Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga


National Brazil West 01

The Brazil West Zone opened the agenda of Assemblies with NBO 01, in Ponta Grossa, Paraná, on June 26, with the participation of 86 guides in function. On this occasion essential issues for PLW, Prayer and Fraternity where addressed.

“The NBO 01 Assembly was marked with the joy of the first meeting, because it was the first time they met in person after two years,” says Sumara Troyner Scoss. Attending this Assembly were the Zonal Coordinator Sirley Serrano Silveira and the Responsible for Materials of the Zonal Adilson Silveira, showing support and security to all participants.

At the closing of NBO 01, the guides attended Holy Mass at Our Lady of Health Parish.

National Brazil West 08

The National Assembly 2021 of the NBO-08, was lived with a lot of reverence and fruitfulness on the 20/08/2022, in the Chacra Reina de la Paz, in Maringá PR

65 Guides of the 09 Local Coordinators and 06 Nucleus attended the National Assembly.

National Brazil West 09

The Coordination of NBO 09, held the National Assembly on 20/08/2022 with the presence of Coordinator Ms. Sirley Serrano Silveira and Materials Manager Sr. Adilson, in addition to the participation of members of the Coordinators of ten local and one nucleus. With the participation of 53 Guides, they experienced a wonderful day of prayer and deep spirituality, clarifications on the changes of the PLW Statutes, a message of the beloved Guide Maristella Carvalho, as well as some orientations lines, given by representatives of the Zonal Brasil Oeste.