PLW Children
Taller para Niños en Venezuela Occidente
La Coordinación Local Maracaibo 2.1, impartió el Taller a tres niñas, que, en este tiempo de pandemia, pudieron vivir a plenitud reunión tras reunión el Taller de Oración y Vida, [...]
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PLW Children
A beautiful beautiful story
In 2015, the Guide Andrea Cordeiro gave the Workshop for Children to the eight children that appear in the image above. Now, four years later, she gave the Workshop for [...]
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PLW Children
Workshop for Children in Bucaramanga, Colombia
A Workshop for Children was given by the Local Coordination Bucaramanga 5, nine children participated. On Saturday, May 4th the nine participants lived the Desert, at the Vereda El Pedregal; [...]
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PLW Children
Workshop for Children in Amazonas, Brazil
Closing of the Workshop for Children taught in the city of Envira, State of Amazonas, Brazil, which is part of the National Area Brazil 9. With the blessings of God [...]
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PLW Children
Prayer and Life Workshop for Children in Redenção, Brazil
In the city of Redenção, in the state of Pará, north of Brazil, a Local Team Guide (ANB18) gave the Workshop for Children. The kids were very happy and attentive, [...]
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PLW Children
Workshop Evangelizing Children in the state of Para, Brazil
The Guide Odeneide from the Local Team of Redenção, in the state of Para, national área ANB8, imparted the “Evangelizing Children” Workshop. The children were happy with their “aunt” who [...]
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PLW Children
Desert Evangelizing Children Workshop - Matto Grosso, Brazil
Children participating in the Evangelizing Children Workshop, organized by the ANB16 Coordination, in Tangara da Serra, Mato Grosso State, Brazil. A single joy joining the little hearts to Jesus!
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PLW Children
PLW is represented in the Colombian Catholic channel
CHRISTOVISION Channel in their space “Prayer Workshops” have presented a group from a Workshop for Children during their program. They children shared some songs and prayers which are part of [...]
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PLW Children
Day for Children in Mato Grosso, Brazil
The PLW Guides of Campo Novo dos Parecis, State of Mato Grosso, held a Day for children who had received the Workshop "Evangelizing Children". The children ended up happy and [...]
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PLW Children
Workshop Evangelizing Children in Zulia, Venezuela
Desert of the Workshop Evangelizing Children in Mara, Zulia state, Ven. The children lived special moments feeling the presence of the Lord in nature and writing letters of love and [...]
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