Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

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But you, when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father who is there, alone with you, and your Father who sees what you do in secret, will give you your reward” (Matthew 6,6)

Dear friend, it is assumed that you are already alone and, in a room, or oratory (it could also be in a secluded corner, next to nature). The important thing is that there is silence and solitude.

But there also must be silence and loneliness within you. There must be silence in your body and in your mind. Take your time for it. Focus first on your breathing and observe it. Start releasing and relaxing the muscles of your face, shoulders, arms, stomach and legs… Also empty your mind of thoughts and memories… It is what is most difficult. Memories and desires probably come to you. Let them go. Stop the engine of your mind, so that there is silence and total emptiness. Inside you there is nothing, outside you there is nothing. What remains then? The presence of yourself towards yourself, in silence and peace. The one who perceives is you and what is perceived is you. At this moment, feel yourself, in silence and sameness.

Now you are ready to open yourself to an intimate supper that recreates and makes you fall in love, in a relationship or encounter with your Father God who is in you. He always is, and has always been, only the noises and dispersions of your being prevent you from perceiving him.

Slowly say the following words, try to perceive and live in yourself what you are saying. Pause and repeat those phrases that resonate with you the most

Lord, You probe me, you know me: 

I’m before you always. You know my thoughts, whether I’m at work or asleep 

You know full well what I do

You are familiar with all my ways 

A word is not yet on my tongue, before you Lord, know all about it. You fence me in, from behind and in front, you have laid my hand upon me, as the air surrounds me, so you encircle me. 

I believe Lord, although I cannot understand. Where can I go to escape your spirit?

Where can I flee from your gaze? You are everywhere, at the edge of the horizon at the height of the mountain, in the depths of the sea. I cannot hide from your gaze, because darkness is not dark to you. Your hand never leaves me for a moment 

When I want to find you, you await me in my innermost self. 

It is you who gave me life, and who knit me together in my mother’s womb. From before all time, you knew me, you knew me through and through, in your works, you were counting on me. Help me to feel your presence at every moment, that I may do what is pleasing to you and that your vision for my life be accomplished. 


Remain in intimate meditation and experience for a long time, in faith and love, the experience of each of the following expressions:

  • You are with me…
  • You are with me…
  • In You I exist, in You I move, in You I am…
  • I am within You; you are within me…
  • You are substantially present in my entire being…
  • You are the soul of my soul and the life of my life…
  • You are more me than myself…
  • Your presence vivifies everything I am and everything I have
  • Silence… Solitude… Sameness…
  • You are with me… You are with me… You are with me…


Remain in this intimacy, in this quiet night, in this quiet music, in this sonorous solitude, in this intimate supper that recreates and makes you fall in love… the rest of the time you have… but now, without using words. Stay alone in the experience of: “You are with me.”

And before descending into life, after experiencing this intimate and profound prayer, stand before the Lord with your hands outstretched, asking Him to continue feeling His presence in you.

End with this prayer:

Day after day, Lord of my life

May I remain before you, face to face,

With clasped hands, I will stay before you,

Lord of all worlds, face to face

In this world that is yours, Amid the exhaustion,

Of the turmoil, of the conflicts, of the impassioned multitude,

I must remain before you, face to face.

And when my duty in this world is finished,

O King of Kings, alone and silent,

I will remain before you face to face. Amen.


May the Lord bless you, keep you and grant you peace. Shalom