Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

The story of fraternity

We build the wall of fraternal communion with stones of different shapes. Some are round like full moons. Others have sharp edges. A few appear to have been cut with a plumb line or to have perfect geometrical shapes. There are also shapeless ones.

Each stone has its story. The round ones come from rivers in which they were worn smooth by many years of jostling about in the midst of boisterous currents. vineis were boulders that bounded down mountain slopes. Some were intentionally quarried.

They are all as different in origin, history and form as are the members of a society, who come from various homes, latitudes and continents, each with an unprecedented history and unique personality.

With such particular personalities, all the stones have to adopt appropriate positions to be fitted to the very different shapes of the other stones. A sustained effort of adaptation most made. Many received blows and lost angles in order the better to adjust themselves. All mutually support and sustain each other. The large ones bear a great portion of the weight of the wall. Each respects the shape of the other. They have loved each other a great deal because they have given much to each other.

The task is not easy. A wall of lime and stone is more easily raised. Walls built with square stones or cement blocks also go up rapidly. But to build a solid wall with such disparate stones requires ardent patience and unshakable hope. In spite of everything, if the Lord is not with us, the efforts of the masons would be useless.

This is the story of fraternal communion. Those who pass in front of our construction go away repeating: this is the work of the Lord.

Extracted from the book ´Come with me´ by Fr. Ignacio Larrañaga. OFM