Miles de personas en el mundo han recuperado la alegría y el encanto de la vida.

Talleres de Oración y Vida

Padre Ignacio Larrañaga

Thousands of people have recovered joy and the
enchantment with life.

Prayers and Life Workshops

Father Ignacio Larrañaga

School for Preparing Guides in Cracovia, Poland

With great joy the Europe Zone Team has communicated to us the beginning of the first School for Preparing Guides in the city of Cracovia, Poland, on March 23rd, in the Provincial House of the Religious Capuchins of Olszanica. It will be imparted by an Italian Guide, Francesco, who generously said, YES, to this mission that was entrusted to him. Ten religious, both male and female Franciscan Capuchins, of the province of Cracovia and a Capuchin from Lithuania will participate. The initiative came from a Polish Capuchin, who wanted our Workshop services to begin in Cracovia.

The school will be imparted in Italian, since that all the material is still not translated into Polish, the assistants are bilingual in Italian and Polish

The Zone Team, along with the International Coordination have been working for approximately two years, so that this dream would become a reality. During the last month of December, the Coordinator and the Zone Secretary, traveled to Cracovia to meet the Provincial Fray Maciej de Olszanica who received them, at his house, with all the kindness that flows from the Franciscan spirituality. Here they shared two days of meetings in preparation for the start of the SPG.

 Dear brother Guides of the world, we strongly ask for prayers, to help our brother Guide, Francisco to faithfully accomplish the mission entrusted to him, and for it to be blessed by God.

 There are no distances that can keep us from getting to more and more places, so that more people can discover the Enchantment of Life through the Enchantment of God.

 Thanks you all, together forever.